For World Health

Friday, August 11, 2006

Pesticide In Sodas?

India: Pesticide Claims Shake Up Coke and Pepsi

After allegations of high levels of toxic chemicals in their subcontinental sodas, the U.S. franchises face bans amid a media-stoked uproar

Try to avoid drinking sodas.

Also, I believe that we may be able to reduce heart and vascular disease by injections of a kind of emulsifying product to gradually break up clots in vessels using agents not found in the body [or concentrations of agents found in the body]. Or by stimulating the body to produce more clot-busting agents, without producing hemophilia. This should reduce the size and incidence of clots found in the vascular system that eventually break free and cause strokes and heart attacks. This substance has not yet been introduced, but it is a good method and may arrive shortly, or within a year or so.


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